Corporate Profile

FoundationAugust 1975
Capital4,357 million yen
Head Office and Headquarters2182-3 Shigeno-Otsu, Tomi-shi, Nagano 389-0512, Japan
Tel: +81-268-64-2281(representative) / Fax: +81-268-64-2285
Board Members
PresidentKazuaki Ikeda
Managing DirectorKazuyuki Takeuchi
Executive DirectorKoji Shimizu
DirectorYasuhiro Haba
DirectorNariaki Makino
DirectorTakeshi Kodaira
DirectorShujiro Morisawa
Outside DirectorYoh Zenno
(Audit and Supervisory Committee Member)
DirectorNoriyuki Tanaka
(Audit and Supervisory Committee Member)
Outside DirectorMakoto Tanaka
(Audit and Supervisory Committee Member)
Outside DirectorHisamitsu Arai
(Audit and Supervisory Committee Member)
Outside DirectorSeiko Minomo
(Audit and Supervisory Committee Member)
Outside DirectorShunsuke Numata
Employees897 (parent company only) 2,104 (consolidated)
(As of September 30, 2024)
BusinessesDevelopment, manufacturing, and sales of computer devices and software
Main BanksThe Hachijuni Bank, Ltd. , MUFG Bank, Ltd. ,
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation , Mizuho Bank, Ltd.
ListingsTokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market
Securities Code6638
Date of ListingMarch 15, 2007
Industry CategoryElectrical Equipment
Number of shares issued32,040,000 shares

Shareholder Information

Business yearFrom April 1 to March 31
Annual general meetingof shareholdersWithin three months from the end of each business year
Record dateAnnual meeting of shareholders: March 31
Year-end dividend: March 31
Interim dividend: September 30
A date will be announced beforehand if necessary.
Share unit100 shares
Shareholder registry administratorMitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
4-5, Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
100-8212, Japan
Contact details for the aboveMitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation Transfer Agent Department
1-1, Nikkocho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo, Japan
Tel: 0120-232-711 (toll free in Japan)
Mail addressP.O. Box No. 29, Shin-Tokyo Post Office 137-8081, Japan
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation Transfer Agent Department
Method of public noticePublic notices are posted on our website ( However, if an electronic public notice cannot be given due to unavoidable circumstances, it will be published in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
ListingsTokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market
Securities code6638

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