An itiniative for resourse circulation by used PC donation

We have initiated a recycling program through donating our used PCs to the recycling business of "Ecofa Okaya," a designated disability welfare service facility located in Okaya City, Nagano Prefecture. Approximately 100 used PCs per year will be collected and utilized as an urban mine, where individuals with disabilities disassemble them to recover precious metals and rare metals.
The Japan Circuit Boards Network, of which Ecofa Okaya is a member, has been honored with the Special Prize at the 6th Japan SDGs Awards(*1) for their efforts. They have been recognized for "reducing waste, minimizing environmental impact, and improving wages and independence for individuals with disabilities" (*2). Revenue from the sale of rare metals is used to pay wages for people with disabilities who perform dismantling and sorting tasks.
We are committed to supporting this initiative through PC donations, aiming to reduce waste, promote resource circulation, and contribute to the local community welfare in Nagano Prefecture.
This initiative promoted by the Japan Substrate Network contributes to the following SDGs:
1. No Poverty
4. Quality Education
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
17. Partnerships for the Goals
(*1) Japan SDGs Awards: A program by the Cabinet Office's SDGs Promotion Headquarters to commend companies, organizations, etc., for their excellent efforts contributing to the achievement of SDGs.
(*2) Excerpted from the PDF document of "Special Prize at the 6th Japan SDGs Awards, Japan Circuit Boards Network (Niigata City, Niigata Prefecture) ". *Document available in Japanese language.